Interior Painting

We Keep It Clean!

We know how important it is to keep the inside of your home as clean as possible during our process. There are two reasons for this:

  • A clean surface is desirable to create a blemish-free foundation for your paint. It helps the finish to appear smooth and flawless.
  • We understand that having someone work in your home as an inconvenience. By keeping our work areas clean, it will interfere less with your day-to-day activities.

We Get It Ready

As professionals, we make sure we have completely prepared the surface to be painted. We spend the required amount of time to adequately prepare the area for paint. This may include the following items performed in the order that they are listed:

  • Cover and protect area to be painted
  • Remove all switch plates, outlets and vent covers
  • If furniture is in the room, we push it to center of room or move it to another area (which is also covered and protected)
  • Sand surface areas to be painted (which could be walls, ceilings, trim, etc.).
  • Putty all holes and caulk all trim.
  • Repair any cracks in the surfaces, if necessary
  • Prime areas that are to be painted, if necessary
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We Paint It

Now we get to the fun part — when we see the result of all of the preparation. We use only high quality paint (usually Sherwin Williams) to ensure a fantastic result that will last a lot longer than the lesser quality paints. We apply 2 coats of paint to areas that need to be painted.

We Finish the Job

As a final step we remove all plastic, put your furniture back into place, and after some light dusting and vacuuming, we leave your house cleaner than we found it!

Serving Chester County & Lancaster County, PA
PA #032157